E-Mail an New York Times


Dear New York Times Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

Please can you help me in this case.

I am writing to bring attention to a troubling situation that highlights the intersection of corporate power, politics, and personal freedoms. My LinkedIn account was recently blocked under suspicious circumstances, coinciding with my efforts to expose unethical practices in the oil and gas sector, particularly involving Blackrock and political actors.

As the founder of Adey Meselesh GmbH, a company committed to sustainability and ethical business practices, I have faced relentless attacks on my reputation and resources. These actions are not isolated but part of a broader pattern of silencing voices that challenge powerful entities. My case, currently under legal review in Germany, underscores the need for greater transparency and accountability in global industries.

The blocking of my LinkedIn account is more than a personal inconvenience; it is a stark reminder of how digital platforms can be weaponized to suppress dissent. This issue is not just about me—it is about the erosion of free expression and the unchecked influence of corporations in our digital and physical worlds.

I urge The New York Times to investigate the growing trend of digital censorship and its ties to corporate and political interests. The public deserves to know how these forces shape our access to information and our ability to speak truth to power.

I hope hearing back from you. (In prisoned without food and money no access to cash)

Kind regards,

Habesha Al Saud
Anzeigender und Prozessierender mit juristischer Ausbildung
Daniel Feseha Melesse

Adresse: Schellingstraße 22, 80799 München, Deutschland

• Mobil (Deutschland): +49 160 91501935

• Mobil (Äthiopien): +251 980446619

• E-Mail: daniel.melesse@adey-meselesh.de

• Homepage: https://adey-meselesh.de

• ORCID-iD: 0009-0002-8821-0290

• Web of Science ResearcherID: MFH-4281-2025


Adey Meselesh GmbH
Adresse: Schellingstraße 22, 80799 München, Deutschland


• Amtsgericht München, HRB 266553

• USt-ID: DE345190564


• Mobil (Deutschland): +49 160 91501935

• Mobil (Äthiopien): +251 980446619

• E-Mail: daniel.melesse@adey-meselesh.de

• Homepage: https://adey-meselesh.de

• Weitere E-Mail-Adressen:

• adey@adey-meselesh.de

• ethiopia@adey-meselesh.de

Adey Meselesh GmbH – Niederlassungen


• Adresse: Rua Dom Francisco Gomes de Avelar, 7, 8670-083 Aljezur, Portugal

• Mobil: +49 163 8788130

• Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/agencies/1443888910768001024/

Äthiopien (Adey Meselesh Spice):

• Adresse: Sub City: Bole Woreda: 12 House No. New, Post Box: 23704, 1000 Addis Ababa, Äthiopien

• Mobil: +251 980446619

• E-Mail: daniel.melesse@adeymeselesh.de

• Homepage: https://adeymeselesh.de

Habesha Al Saud as New Yorkian, Central Park, New York, United States of America

Habesha Al Saud as London, Hyde Park, London, United Kingdom

Zusätzliche Informationen

• Habesha Al Saud as New Yorkian

• Universidade da Indústria

• Open Blue Card

• Relationship Universidade da Calábria

• Legal Advisory de Brasiliana

• NFT Ethiopia Art

• Onlinepräsenz:

• https://www.daloa.de/2019/04/im-gruenen-petropolis/

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